
Jerusalem bus map

Bus map Jerusalem. Jerusalem bus map (Israel) to print. Jerusalem bus map (Israel) to download. Buses in Jerusalem are all run by the company Egged. Their buses are mostly green, although some are white with red stripes. Egged run a very large route network which is centered around the Jerusalem Central Bus Station and the center of town (the area around King George and Jaffa Streets.) There are a large number of routes which duplicate each other through the city center as you can see in Jerusalem bus map, however spread out when you get outside. That means that if you wanted to travel from, say, the Central Bus Station to Keren Hayesod Street, there is a choice of five or six high-frequency routes.
The standard bus fare in Jerusalem is 5.90 NIS for a single trip. As of 1 June 2018, it is no longer possible to buy a ticket on the bus. Paper tickets have now completely been replaced by the ‘Rav Kav’ with a smartcard chip as its mentioned in Jerusalem bus map. The card needs to be bought and loaded prior to the bus ride with either a daily, weekly or monthly ticket or with a sum of money, which is sufficient to cover the bus ride. Rav Kav’ smartcards are available at kiosks and other points of sale (eg. the Central Bus Station, all Cofix branches, Super-Pharm etc.) throughout the city and can be (re-)loaded at around 300 automatic machines, light rail stations, and other spots around town.
The majority of buses run all day (5:30 am – 11:00 pm), though some start earlier and run later (such as line 1 and 2 to the Western Wall) as its shown in Jerusalem bus map. Buses operate Sunday till Thursday, on Fridays till about an hour before Shabbat and on Saturday nights from one hour after Shabbat. Night lines in Jerusalem, such as the 106, 107, 102 and 103 run mainly on weekends and during vacation time. A new development at some bus stations is electronic boards with expected times of bus arrival. Taking a bus from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will take you approximately one hour. You can take bus route 480 from Tel Aviv-Savidor Center (Arlozrov Terminal) to the Jerusalem Central Bus Station. Another option is to take bus route 405 from the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station to the Jerusalem Central Bus Station.